Riri choi


get to know me

I love doing photo manipulations and minimalist illustrations. I connect and express myself thru my artworks. It keep me sane and alive.


Check out my graphic artworks here~


I am open for commission. Feel free to inquire.

GET to know me

Riri Choi
Introvert Fur momma

• What makes you pursue graphic art?
I like doing random art traditionally since young but after I graduate from college, I need to stay home and got the chance to explore the wonders of Photoshop until I got obsessed about it. It all started when I tried to do some messy book cover for my crappy stories on Wattpad, until I opened my very first Graphic Shop. That really helps me a lot improve gradually.

• What style and genre are you comfortable with?
I'm really into photo manipulation. I consider it as the most challenging style when it comes to digital art, but the most satisfying one. The ability to create a whole new concept out of different elements and make an unthinkable art realistically, that's really something. Tried my luck and beat myself up to learn and still willing to explore the best out of it.

Gothic art has been my fave concept since I started doing manips. Anything dark with deeper meaning into it. It gives me an unexplainable drive.

• What type of commissions you usually do?
Book Cover Spreads and Posters. Most of my clients are self-pub authors and students. I also tried some branding designs like logo, product packaging and for Apparel business.

• How long have you been a freelance graphic artist?
I think mid 2015? But with that span of years I still don't consider myself deserving enough for that title. That's the time when I'm still unsure and not confident of what I could offer and if it's really the right career for me. Until I got hired as a GA for an indie publishing company (Lathala Press) around 2017, and it actually change everything. They help me grow and improve as an Artist. I am forever grateful.

• How do you describe yourself as a Graphic Artist?
Full of patience, but strict. Back when I still don't appreciate the power of spending more time on doing my crafts. I always think that it's easier to improve when you done things fast. Doing a photo manipulation needs a lot of time & patience, from the process of finding resources to the process of composition. I think it gave me the realization thru out the years of learning about what the true importance of quality over quantity.

• What the most hardest part of being a GA?
The stigma and discrimination when it comes to rate & recognition. Especially here in PH, people think doing commission is free, if you slams them back they will call you arrogant and then tell you, it's not a job at all because you only earn less. The irony right?

• Things that you want to improve and change?
Self-doubt and low self-esteem are my worst enemies. I wanted to do more, but most of the time I always end up questioning my skills, embarrassed and unsatisfied. I know any artist experienced worse than that. It won't get you anywhere once you allow it take over you. So I hope to build up more positiveness. I'm trying my best.

Also, I'm taking my time learning illustrations. I enjoy doing minimalistic though more on object based since I'm still a noob with human anatomy lol.

• Your favorite saying that helps you keep going?
"No matter what anyone says, passion never lies."
by Choi Seunghyun

I believe that whatever may the circumstances are, judgements, discriminations, and other negativity come across you, it always boils down to how you strive hard for your passion. It always wins you back.

• Advice to the people that wants to pursue art but still not confident enough and still questioning their ability?
It's normal, but don't let it consume you. Sometime it helps, it push yourself up to hustle more. Just take it easy. Take your time. If that path or field really for you, it will find its way so help yourself as well. You need a lot of courage to be able to survive and overcome things that keep stopping you. And always remember to put your heart in everything you do. You can do it so keep going~


Most of my works are photo manipulations & composites. Like Posters, Wattpad Book Covers, Fanarts etc. I'm still improving my illustrations. You can check them below.

wattpad book covers




Wattpad Book Covers


Unknown Love

Letters from Mi to U

book cover sreads


Book Cover Challenge


open for commission

  • Book Cover Spread (Self-Pub & Under Pub Company)

  • Poster, Flyer, Banner & Brochure

  • Branding (Logo, Business Card, Apparel Design, Product Packaging etc.)

  • Wattpad Book Cover (as personal GA)

Go check my social media & email below to inquire.